Welcome to Mormonkoolaid, where I will make an attempt to make sense of what I know of Mormonism. I'm not anti or pro Mormon, as I am pretty ambivalent towards the church at the present time. I just want the truth. Maybe we can help each other find it.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Temple marriage is always best! Err... maybe not in this case.

When you're faithful Mormon, a temple marriage is the ultimate goal. For many it is the ultimate reason for their Earthly existence. It enables people to be sealed to their families by a bond that can not be broken by death and qualifies them for exaltation. So it should always be sought after at the expense of everything else, right?

One if my in-laws is in his mid 30s and has never been married, despite his best efforts. He is a stand up guy, but for whatever reason hasn't found somebody that he has connected with on that kind of level yet. I think that finding a spouse and having a family is one of his greatest desires. As things currently stand, he may have a legitimate shot in the near future as he is in a relationship with a woman he really seems to have a connection with. The thing is, the situation is a little messy.

The woman he is dating has been married before. She and her husband were sealed in the temple, had two beautiful children together, and were deeply in love. Then he was killed in a tragic accident.

I can't even begin to imagine what this must have been like for her. Being at a similar point in my own marriage, the thought of losing my spouse now truly makes me shudder. To her credit, she was able to carry on and for the past few years has been able to raise her two kids a single mom, and keep it together much better than I would in a similar circumstance.

Now that a few years have passed, she feels ready to pursue a relationship again. The problem lies in the fact that she is already sealed to her first husband and can not be sealed to another man. For my brother-in-law, this means that his goal and dream of a temple marriage can not happen if he marries her. He will raise kids who can not be his after death. Further, has no guarantee that he would be sealed to any of his future children.

Things aren't any better for the young woman as this scenario seriously decreases her odds of finding another husband or father for her kids, assuming that she wants to marry in the faith. They are both stuck in an impossible situation. The policy as it stands severely inhibits either of them from fulfilling a righteous desire.

Interestingly, in the early days of LDS polygamy there were several instances where polyandry was sanctioned and carried out by leaders of the church. So one can't really make the argument that it's prohibition is an eternal principle as it has been done before. It is also of interest that if gender roles were reversed, this situation wouldn't be an issue to the degree that it is now.

Eternal marriage seems like it's always a great thing as long as divorce and death never happen. Too bad that's not a reality in the real world.

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